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Men of the Word


Where: Fellowship Hall

Saturdays: 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

The Saturday morning Men's group is starting a new study called: "Walking in Wisdom." This is for men of all ages. 

The world demands we reject three realities. The reality of cause-and-effect, personal responsibility, and external authority. The world claims a man can decide to be a woman. Everyone is a victim. Abortion is a natural right. Yet, the message of the Proverbs asserts we must understand and live within these undeniable realities. If we accept these teachings, then we will prosper and honor God. That's how we walk in Wisdom...the practical application of God's Truth.

The study will take place on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at Grace Chapel. Meet at 7:30 for bacon and eggs with teaching from the Book of Proverbs beginning at 8:00. If you have a pulse and XY chromosomes, you should be at this study!

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